Nube: Inovate!

Innovate your business!
(Layane Bittencourt)

Many professionals seek innovation, as it is able to break the business barrier, shape the way of thinking or the spirit of the time of an entire generation of corporations. After all, it has a great impact on people’s reality and even the considered traditional is with its structures shaken. Know the importance of this strategy!

A survey on the profile of São Paulo’s entrepreneurs, conducted by Desenvolve SP, indicated: around 80% of businessmen believe in innovation as an essential point for competitiveness, which enables them to conquer new markets. The survey also showed: 74% of those interviewed consider this question as something beyond the creation of a new or revolutionary product.

For Fabrício Saad, CMO of Mazzaferro S/A, people see this manifestation in several other parts. “It exists in each person’s way of thinking. In the desire to be better served, in the need for immersion, in liking and sharing on social networks, in the behavior of institutions, among others, “he explains. Within the organization, it usually arises through a new way of observing an old thing, whether it is a process, product, the relationship with the team and the client. The beginning of change is to have that perspective.

For Diego Braga, CEO of startup VemCmg, from Rio de Janeiro, seeking novelties should be a continuous process, vital for survival. “Without it, there is no competitiveness and, in the current market, the tendency for those who do not adapt is to be left behind in the business world,” he points out. Therefore, in order to be increasingly renewed, he always seeks an unusual solution to problems. “Being creative requires breaking paradigms. It is like being a child capable of imagining the impossible and thinking of achieving it,” he explains.

However, this task is not easy. According to the specialist, it is common to find resistance to it, after all, it demands to leave the comfort zone and look for other alternatives. However, he reinforces that it is a rewarding effort. “An innovative company is always looking to grow, not only in numbers, but in the sense of going beyond its limit,” he says.

Therefore, the recommended strategy to keep your enterprise growing and overcome challenges, is in the search for new ideas. The specialist also reveals the need to observe the progress of your services and seek to organize yourself to put improvements and changes into practice. “If there is a risk in innovating in times of new technologies, the greatest risk is not doing it,” he advises.

Published in Nube website on June 25th, 2018: