
Small Companies & Big Businesses (Globo)

ENTREPRENEURSHIP Sebrae promotes a lecture and a free webinar on innovation ISO Alexandre Pierro, one of the experts who participated in the development of ISO 56.002, discusses the process and the benefits of this certification (Sebrae…

PALAS is pioneer in implementing ISO innovation

ISO 56.002 ensures continuous innovation and value creation processes for companies of all sizes and segments. Innovation is a latent demand nowadays. However, faced with a context of large and rapid transformations coupled with exponential…

Innovation ISO: companies get ready for the new economy

With the new technologies and digital tools of Industry 4.0, companies need to reinvent themselves to stay relevant and competitive. Considering this new business scenario, ISO (International Organization for Standardization) has launched a…

1st company in Latin America with ISO Innovation

Who is the Brazilian MZF4, the first company in Latin America with ISO Innovation (Cristina Seciuk) Textile industry member of the Italian group Mazzaferro, with 66 years in Brazil, MZF4 dedicated a year to the project and received, in July,…

Economia S/A: MZF4 comes out ahead

MZF4, from Mazzaferro Group, comes out ahead and is the first Brazilian and Latin American company to win ISO INNOVATION certification! (Joelma Marino) The ISO 56,002 standard, which establishes practices for managing innovative and…

First ISO innovation certificate in Brazil

First ISO innovation certificate arrives in Brazil Innovation is necessary for the growth and competitiveness of any business. But while other crucial factors in running a business (such as production, profitability or market reach) can be…